Mission & Philosophy

The Kinesiology Association of Saskatchewan (KAS) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to develop, train, and promote kinesiology professionals in the exercise science industry – to advocate fitness, performance, and health promotion throughout the province of Saskatchewan.

KAS currently has 220 members in the province, and the association is growing every year.  Members primarily work as Kinesiology Professionals in the province.

KAS is a recognized provincial association under the Canadian Kinesiology Association (CKA), meaning that KAS and the CKA work collaboratively to serve the kinesiologists in Saskatchewan, representing and promoting the profession and protecting the best interests of its members.


What is a Code of Ethics?


The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA) accepts responsibility for delineating the ethical behavior expected of Kinesiologists and has developed and approved this Code of Ethics as a guide for Kinesiologists. KAS adheres to this code of ethics.

As you complete your application form, you must read and accept to abide to the Code of Ethics.

The Code is an ethical document. Its sources are the traditional codes of ethics as well as developments in human rights. Legislation and court decisions may also influence ethics, and therefore, Kinesiologists should be aware of the legal and regulatory requirements in their practice. However, the Code may set out different standards of behavior than does the law.

The Code has been prepared by Kinesiologists for Kinesiologists. It is based on the fundamental principles of kinesiology, especially compassion, beneficence, non-malfeasance, and respect for persons. It interprets these principles with respect to the responsibilities of Kinesiologists to individual clients, their family, colleagues, other healthcare professionals, and society.

The Code is not, and cannot be, exhaustive. Its statements are general in nature, to be interpreted and applied in particular situations.

Kinesiologists may experience conflict between different ethical principles, between ethical and legal or regulatory requirements, or between their own ethical convictions and demands of clients, proxy decision makers, other health professionals, employers or other involved parties. Training, consultations with colleagues, ethicists, or others who have expertise are recommended.

All Affiliated Kinesiologist of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA/ACK), as a condition of obtaining and maintaining their Affiliation, shall abide by this Code of Ethics in all of their professional activities


Affiliated Kinesiologist – Any person identified by the by-laws of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance as a professional affiliated of the Association.

Kinesiology Services – Any act or activity, with the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA/ACK) Scope of Practice (“the application of scientifically based principles to enhance the strength, endurance and mobility of individuals with or without functional limitations, and the administration of musculoskeletal, neurological, biomechanical, physiological, psychological and task-specific tests, assessments, and measures.”) that an affiliated kinesiologist performs as part of their professional activities.

Conflict of Interest – “Conflict of interest” means an interest that would likely adversely affect a Kinesiologists judgment on behalf of, or loyalty to, a patient or prospective patient, or that a Kinesiologist might be prompted to prefer the interests of a patient or prospective patient. A potential conflict of interest exists in all situations where there is a private interest that may influence a Kinesiologists duties and responsibilities.


  • Hold paramount the health and safety of their client and/or public at all times;
  • Not take physical, psychological, sexual, or financial advantage of a client;
  • Offer and/or advise on kinesiology services in areas of his or her specific competence;
  • Practice in a careful and diligent manner, and encourage a client to seek other professional assistance when such action is in the best interest of the client;
  • Apply only accepted scientific principles and professional practices when providing kinesiology services;
  • Continue his or her professional development to maintain a high level of competence;
  • Conduct themselves with fairness, respect, and good faith towards their clients, colleagues, and the profession;
  • Declare to a client any conflict of interest which may adversely affect his or her professional relationship with a client and/or employers;
  • Render services to those who seek it without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic origin, language, political affiliation, societal, or health status;
  • Respect the client’ or surrogate’s right to be informed about the effects of the services provided and give opportunity to consent or decline a service;
  • Protect the confidentiality of all professionally acquired information, and disclosure such information only when properly authorized or when legally obligated to do so.


  • Give credit where it is due, and accept, as well as give, objective and fair professional criticism;
  • Act in a way that is beyond reproach and report to the appropriate authorities any affiliated of the Alliance who appears to be incompetent or whose conduct appears to be unethical, illegal, or, in general, unbecoming to the profession; and
  • Strive to promote the advancement of the science and profession of Kinesiology.
  • Commit to encouraging equity, diversity, and inclusion in the practice of kinesiology and in the administration of programs, and activities; that is, to hold the duty, right, and the legal and moral responsibility, to ensure that all participants/clients/patients are treated fairly, equitably, and respectfully, and to provide a learning, treatment, working and living environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of characteristics of identity, including, but not limited to age, sex, gender expression, gender, race, sexuality, disability, religion, ethnicity, or creed

What is the Scope of Practice?


Disclosure: Currently the practice of kinesiology varies from one province to another. The information in this document may differ and not correspond with the provincial legislation. The main purpose of this document is to present the current portrait of kinesiology (definitions, fields of practice, acts, etc.) across Canada, with information regarding resources in the various fields of kinesiology, practical tools, the extent of its scope of practice and other potentially useful documents. This document is in perpetual revision as per the evolution of the practice of kinesiology in Canada. The CKA / ACK will not be held responsible for any consequences or damages that may occur as a result of the use, misuse, misinterpretation or abuse of the information found on its website. We emphasize that the aim of this document is to help guide you. Should anyone require guidance in interpreting any of the provided information, they should seek the advice of their provincial kinesiology association


Kinesiology is the study of the dynamics[1] of human movement, including all the components involved (anatomical, physiological, neurological, biochemical, biomechanical, neuromotor, psychological), as we interact with our environment. Kinesiology is also defined as human kinetics or the scientific study of how we move. The term is derived from the Greek kinesis, to move.

Kinesiology includes the following fields of study:

  • Physiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Neurology
  • Mobility
  • Anatomy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Posturology
  • Anthropometry

In Canada, these different fields are grouped together under the kinesiology umbrella, focusing on all aspects of human locomotion.

Kinesiologists work with people of all ages and physical abilities, and in many settings to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. Kinesiologists work with:

  • Students
  • Adults
  • Seniors and the elderly
  • Pre- and post-natal clients
  • Military personnel
  • Athletes
  • Children
  • Employees
  • Anyone with or without pathologies and symptoms

Kinesiologists help improve quality of life, often using interventions that include physical activity.

Kinesiology interventions are varied and target all Canadians, regardless of age and whether they are affected by health problems or not. Kinesiologists work in:

  • Municipalities
  • Research organizations
  • Private or public educational institutions
  • Fitness centres
  • Military or public security organizations
  • Community groups
  • Outdoor organizations
  • Athletic organizations
  • Public and private employees
  • At-home interventions
  • Public or privately managed centres
  • Public or private rehabilitation clinics
  • Government health facilities
  • Insurance companies



  • Adults in general, including pregnant women
  • Specific clienteles (including paramilitary and military services, employees, astronauts)
  • Athletes and adventurers
  • Children and adolescents
  • Students (teaching, and scholarship athletes)
  • Seniors and aging populations


  • Metabolic conditions
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Pulmonary conditions
  • Neurological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Mental health and psychiatric diagnoses
  • Other conditions (including chronic pain and sensory disorders)

The health, and physical activity needs of any client include many factors. For this reason, an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach generally ensures a superior level of service. Kinesiologists often collaborate with other health professionals on multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary interventions, prevention, treatment, and to improve sport performance. They also support medical teams in evaluations and are involved in developing treatment and intervention plans.

Kinesiologists complement other healthcare professionals with the wide range of their knowledge and broad scope of their practice. Here are some examples of what kinesiologists can bring to the team:

  • Provide prevention, promotion, treatment, and rehabilitation services to various health facilities, including mental health clinics and private clinics
  • Neuromusculoskeletal and functional evaluations
  • Ergonomics in workplace and occupational health cases
  • High-performance coaching and fitness training
  • Promoting public health
  • Clinical management and coordination
  • Case management for insurance companies
  • Personal training and physical condition coaching
  • Researching
  • Lecturing, instructing, and teaching
  • Promoting physical activity and adopting healthy and physically active lifestyles

Kinesiology is an evolving profession, continually adapting to changing client needs


The initial bachelor’s degree in kinesiology can be the basis for additional training, specialization, or a different professional practice. All training or specialization must meet the standards of the province you wish to practice in. Treatment methods are not regulated the same way in all provinces. The CKA recommends that you check with your provincial kinesiology association to see what services you can legally provide before you make any decisions:

  • In some provinces, additional training in kinesiology can lead to other services like occupational therapy. In other provinces, occupational therapy is a regulated profession and requires specific and exclusive training. In those provinces, you cannot legally provide occupational therapy or ergo-therapy without being a member of the college or order.
  • Provincial kinesiology associations have the right to restrict the scope of the practice in their province. In some provinces, for example, kinesiologists also have to be registered osteopaths if they wish to practice osteopathy. In some provinces, the same applies to kinesiologists wishing to use manual therapy techniques.



Kinesiologists respect the expertise of their health partners. In areas beyond our scope of practice, we always refer clients to the appropriate, accredited, healthcare professionals. Kinesiologists are able to provide basic advice on different related subjects (like nutrition) based on their initial level of education. However, education and acquired competency in their own field of practice are not sufficient to incorporate all the nuances required to target specific needs. It can happen that the conveyed information, though exact and provided in good faith, can be unsuitable for a particular client. Which is why we prioritize interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work and refer clients to the appropriate healthcare expert whenever necessary.


Kinesiologists are specialists in the dynamics of human movement and its components. The primary means of intervention is physical activity. The scope of the practice, and underlying actions, are based on a wealth of science-based evidence that touches on prevention, fitness, rehabilitation, education, and performance.

Here is a list of the steps to intervention. Details of the steps can be found in this document.




Based on the results of the assessment, an intervention plan is executed with the following components:

  • A physical-activity program
  • An exercise program
  • An interdisciplinary intervention plan such as and limited to job demands analysis, education programs, ergonomic assessment
  • A physical preparation plan for athletic performance or other objectives

Execution requires appropriate professional supervision with a critical focus on the kinesiologist’s intervention and an ongoing readiness to readjust the program in order to optimize the achievement of the client’s objectives while minimizing any risk of harm.

Professional intervention can begin at any time before, during, or after primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention, alone or in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team, in a medical or sports-performance situation. In addition to clinical intervention, kinesiologists also provide consulting expertise to facilitate the adoption and reinforcement of healthy lifestyle habits.


During an intervention, the following tasks may differ depending on the sector and the clientele.

In Groups

  • Execute the intervention plan and carry out the mandate within group activities
  • Respect the principles of a personalized approach even in the context of a group activity
  • Teach an aerobics or strength-training class
  • Provide instructions on techniques to safely and effectively execute given movements
  • Teach clients the names of muscles and cardiovascular systems used during the activities
  • Correct techniques in movements
  • Oversee functional training
  • Motivate a group in pursuing their goals
  • Provide educational sessions on healthy lifestyle habits
  • Give conferences
  • Teach pain-management strategies
  • Collaborate with community organizations to promote physical activity
  • Organize activities
  • Teach prevention and rehabilitation programs
  • Establish tools adapted to train supervisory staff, employees, and other stakeholders
  • Coordinate and co-host committee meetings
  • Advise institutional administrators on policies, programs, and action plans that reflect sound lifestyle management to help improve performance


  • Execute intervention plans and carry out mandate
  • Respect the principles of a personalized approach
  • Supervise client(s) in individualized training or during rehabilitation process
  • Supervise client(s) in training area or in any other significant physical activity
  • Adjust or modify the intervention plan over the course of its execution
  • Promote an active lifestyle
  • Teach pain-management strategies
  • Follow up on client training, recovery process, fitness, and lifestyle habits
  • Motivate clients in pursuing goals
  • Perform activities
  • Develop motor skills and physical abilities
  • Advise stakeholders (production, human resources, employees, unions) in order to identify and minimize the risks of work-related accidents and occupational illnesses


Within the intervention plan, kinesiologists are called on to perform a number of tasks related to prescription and intervention depending on the setting or environment. They must always act ethically and responsibly throughout the process while maintaining a critical eye on their intervention.


Kinesiologists have full autonomy in using their clinical judgment to carry out their professional tasks competently and with integrity, particularly during evaluation, prescription, and intervention processes, regardless of the setting or environment. Their judgment is not used to make a medical diagnosis, but rather to identify the starting point of their interventions in meeting obligations to clients. In some provinces and in some of their practice settings, kinesiologists interact with colleagues in the healthcare field as part of an interdisciplinary framework. But even in this context, they have unequivocal and decisive autonomy in the execution of their professional tasks. Kinesiologists may also be asked to perform tasks that are not directly related to their profession, including management (administration, disability, health and safety), coordination (of a clinical team, with an insurer), research, and health promotion.

Kinesiologists must be the only signatory on their evaluations. General and direct supervision are an intradisciplinary process and they are solely responsible for their position or professional opinion, even in a medical context. The physician is the one who issues a medical prescription and specifies the restrictions. The physician remains in charge of the medical process, but the kinesiologist retains responsibility for their own actions within the limits of their competencies and legislative restrictions.

The scope of the kinesiologist’s practice may vary from province to province depending on initial training, permitted supplemental or ongoing professional development, and existing legislative framework. For example, while manual therapy, manipulations, and osteopathic techniques are not recognized as part of the kinesiological practice in Quebec, they are recognized in other provinces. That’s why it’s important to check and seek advice on specific applications and provincial legislation by contacting the Provincial Kinesiology Association or the CKA. .

[1] Dynamic theory adopts a more radical point of view, assuming that the behaviour of a complex system emerges from a network of constraints, related either to the task, the organism, or the environment (Newell, 1986). Adapted by the CKA from La théorie dynamique adopte un point de vue plus radical, postulant que le comportement d’un système complexe émerge d’un réseau de contraintes, liées soit à la tâche, soit à l’organisme, soit à l’environnement (Newell, 1986).

Board of Directors

CHAIRMAN – Jonathan Shiplack

Jonathan graduated from the U of R in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology, majoring in Human Kinetics. He had been working as a manager and personal trainer at a local fitness facility with a focus on helping people prevent and manage chronic disease. It was this experience that made him work towards his Clinical Exercise Physiologist designation and in 2018 had successfully obtained that certification through the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologist. From there Jonathan has shared his passion utilizing exercise as medicine. Working in a doctor’s office and physiotherapy clinic he was able to work with clinical populations as an Exercise Therapist, as well as developed the Healthy Kids Initiative – a free program to teach kids the importance of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and behaviour change. Currently Jonathan works as the main Clinical Exercise Physiologist at the LIVE WELL Exercise Clinic Regina North Location. Here he is able to use all his previous skills and knowledge to help his members through the company’s core values – Being All In – Finding the Joy & to Champion Potential.



Ricky graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2010 with a degree in Kinesiology. While at the U of S, he was a wrestler for the huskies before transitioning to being a student trainer for the huskies. Since graduating he has worked at CBI Health center focusing on rehabilitation on complex care files. Ricky has 2 young kids and enjoys watching them grow and introducing them to as much sport and activity as possible.



Dean Graduated from the University of Alberta. He started working in the rehabilitation field in 1984, at the WCB of Alberta clinic in Edmonton. In 1993 he became the first Kinesiologist to work in private practice in Saskatchewan. Current employment is at Bourassa and Associates Rehabilitation Center in Saskatoon. Over the years, Dean has been a volunteer Athletic Trainer and Coach with various Men’s and Women’s sports teams including football, ice hockey, and field lacrosse, and continues living an active lifestyle after having both hips replaced. Dean enjoys developing stronger connections with his family.


Chris convocated from the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Kinesiology in 2017 and obtained his B.SC. Kin with both Honours and Great Distinction. Chris has worked with a wide range of clients from high performance athletes to rehab patients in a clinical setting.  He currently works as the Fitness Manager at GoodLife Fitness Preston Crossing where he continues to train clients requiring both performance and health focused interventions.


Bio coming soon.


Chelsey convocated from the University of Regina in 2014 with a degree in Kinesiology, majoring in Human Kinetics. She also completed a business certificate from SIAST in 2009. Chelsey holds a CEP and high performance certification from CSEP. She currently works as a kinesiologist focusing mainly on exercise therapy.


Kelsey is a third year Kinesiology student at the University of Saskatchewan. After completing her degree she plans to complete her Master’s in Occupational Therapy.




Shannon Doyle-Kenny

Jared Devers

Larissa Rettger

Thanks for giving me the opportunity for being a member at large of the board and I look forward to moving up to more significant positions with KAS in the future.

Blair Healey

Blair convocated from the University of Saskatchewan obtaining his B.Sc. Kin in 2006 and later went on to complete a M.Sc. Kin in 2010. From 2005-2010 Blair worked as a Personal and Team Trainer with a wide variety of population groups. Finding a strong intrinsic reward working with those who needed help from a health perspective, Blair began working as an Exercise Therapist for CBI Health Group in 2010 and has been loving it ever since.


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